I've always told myself that before I pass away I want to have changed, fixed, or made something better in todays society. I want to make sure my name is instilled into the hearts and minds of those still living when my time comes. I don't mean to write about depressing things but this has been on my mind and I want to get it out. As you can tell I have lots of things on my mind, and this is just one of the many. I guess I really started thinking about death when I read that no American has died of old age since 1951, that just shows what kind of a society we live in. We no longer can die naturally, and that frightens me. I always find myself telling people how much they mean to me, I really enjoy telling people how important they are. I think it's my way of making sure people don't forget what I think of them. I often find myself telling people that they are amazing and not to let anyone tell them different, and I stand by that. All of us are amazing, even if you think your not, you are in someones eyes. It's a good idea to tell people as many times as possible what they mean to you because you'll never know when or if you'll see that person again. I read a quote the other day that stated...
Tomorrow is a Mystery.
Today is a Gift.
That's why we call it the PRESENT."
And that is honestly how I try to live my life.
Forget the past,
and don't worry about the future,
Just live today.
Remember we wont be here forever.
Forget the past,
and don't worry about the future,
Just live today.
Remember we wont be here forever.
My goodness, I adore your blog.
"Yesterday is History.
Tomorrow is a Mystery.
Today is a Gift.
That's why we call it the PRESENT."
That quote is amazing, isn't it?
I blogged about it a few entries back.
I try to model my life after this quote.
I agree! All my screen names and such are y.o.lo. = you only live once.
Jon boy! Thanks for visiting my blog and commenting. I also hope to make change in this world! Great words you write. Check out my band at www.macadamband.com . A lot of my lyrics are about change, relationships and global warming -- but to a rock beat!
Your words hit deep, and I understand exactly how you feel.
My goal in life is to make people happy. Receiving a smile from someone just brightens my day; you know they're contagious :)
I hope people remember me. I want to leave a legacy haha.
Thanks for reading my blog. I'll be sure to read yours too.
Thank you for looking at my pics bro.
Hey! I'm Jonny! Too funny - I rarely see people who spell their name like me!
I think they said that quote in the movie Kung-Fu Panda... <3
deep, i couldnt help but read it twice.
if you have myspace hit me on myspace
Are you really 16 like your profile says. This is deep!
Like the quotes! nice blog!
Hey thanks for visiting my blog and commenting on it. I really liked yours, it's deep and makes you think a lot harder than you normally might. Haha =]
thanks for reading my blog. i enjoy yours as well.
p.s.: you have a splendid taste in music. something corporate and my favorite highway are both amazing.
Hey mate, Firstly thanks for leaving the comments on my work.
Secondly thank you for asking me to check out your blog.
I know how you feel and after reading your blog I think I will try and live my life as you suggest.
I have been living in the past for two long now and I think its time to move on.
Thank you!
good stuff brother... Impressing stuff for a guy your age
Hmm, pretty thought provoking that nobody has died naturally here since... was it 1951? That's crazy...
My kind friend,
Like many others, at some moments, I too find it astonishing that you are only sixteen and then I remind myself that it truly isnt the longevity, or lack thereof, of someone's life that atests to their wisdom, which allows me not to remain in astonishment of your age, but rather what immensely thoughtful writing you are able to produce. Some may offer contradictions and cynicisms suggesting that such a statement reffering to a simple blog is a little "overromanticized" however I beg to differ. This is, Jonny, at least in my opinion proof that you are so immaculate in your expression of thought that I find myself in awe of your abilites to post your thoughts in almost the precise order through which they traveled through my mind when giving thought to the same or similar topics. The latest of which I find fiercely interesting and absolutely relatable. I to have taken an interest in that quote, more so a saying really, however must admit I do not model my life after it as many others do attempt to. I do however find it rather a "fun" (for lack of thought of a better word at the moment)perspective to assume when attempting to view life from another's perspective. Good job, and as "elise" stated before me, you inspire thought in others in ways they would normally not do so, a virtue that you master wonderfully and , as it seems, with little,conscious, effort.;) Still impressed and continuously anticipating your next "blurbs" of thought,
I agree completely.I try to remind people that when they get so caught up in things. A big one at our school is College, I mean, we were in 7th grade and people were already so freaked out by it!
Sometimes you need to just sit there. I mean so many people cant do that nowadays. I mean just sit. With no Ipod. No TV. No need of entertainment. Enjoy what youve got, while you got it.
Thanks for the entry!
the picture here is my motto
thnaks for visiting my blog
yours is amazing !
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