I wish that I could show people what I see. I wish that you could see inside my head and view my dreams and my experiences. I do not expect you to feel or think the same way as I do, but sometimes the words are just not enough. Maybe I am lying to you and myself. Maybe I really want you to see so that you can understand, so that you can see who I truly am. Or am I just loosing my mind with thought?
heeey! thanks for leaving that comment! i read some of your posts.
they're really interesting.
i'll be stopping by your blog to read what you write more often. bye:)
thanks for your comment. I'll stop by to check yours out now and then. Looks good so far. Keep blogging.
Jonny, I will definetely read your blog. Thanks for posting, it makes me feel great to know that I have a fan. I will comment on yours with complete honesty.
P.S: Life is a big joke, and it's a great thing, and there is nothing to get.
I love Jonny!
your so fucking awsome!
And like i've said many many many times before your writing is gonna be the guide for your future!
you have a beautiful way with words...
thank you for sharing :)
My advice for you my young friend: read read read read read read read. Read memoirs and autobiographies and short fiction and long fiction. Read anything you can get your hands on. Each book is a glimpse inside the mind of the author, and often you will discover that others possess thoughts in parallel to yours. These discoveries and experiences will help you gather and formulate your own thoughts for others to read. Good luck.
you are not alone in your wish to allow people to understand and see what you really think. i use to believe that was impossible, but you just have to find someone that has a 1,000 thoughts a minute like you do.
Hey mate. Thanks for the blog comment. How did you find my blog? I'm glad people enjoy reading it. Also I'm glad to see people like you who are putting themselves out there and are not afraid to say "This is Who I am." I think we all have trouble expressing our thoughts. But I did read a book on songwriting and creativity once that said if you just keep writing and keeping a journal, like every day, you create a sort of mental highway where thoughts just transform themselves into words a lot easier. Cheers man.
Sometimes I alo wish for others to see what I see, and for me to see how they look at the world.
Hey thanks! I am glad that someone I don't know is following my blog. Just out of curiosity, how did you find my blog?
I'll keep reading...
i wish that tooo
and i will fersuree keep reading your blog
i like your way with words
very interesting :]
You have this amazing way with words that make it really easy to relate to you. Keep posting, you really get me thinking :]
I think life is what you make it, nobody looks at life the same, and most people put negative thoughts to the side and live an emotional shell. We're all just flames burning out and i want to make the most of what i have. I have the same feelings as what you've stated in the blog from time to time, but people can never truly look through your eyes, and see what you see. And i wish they could sometimes.
i feel the same way sometimes :)
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