Through life there are many lessons that help shape our character and mold us into people. These lessons you cannot possibly learn in school and you take them as they come, and never forget them. They come from our everyday experiences where we encounter the hustle and bustle of the day. They teach you right from wrong, how to live, and how to belong in today’s society, but most of all they teach you about yourself. These lessons will stick with you forever, and will help you to find true happiness within. If there is one lesson that all should learn it is that life has its difficulties, and all though times may be rough, they will get better, there is always light at the end of the tunnel. As long as you hold your head high, and look to the sky things will always have a positive outcome. Optimism is one thing all should have; it will keep a smile on your face and help you make it through the day. Optimism is the foundation of courage, hope, and happiness. This lesson has made me stronger, kept me going, and has followed me through life thus far. It is one of those lessons you teach yourself. A teacher cannot possibly teach you how to live your life. It is up top you to live it with optimism. To be able to know you are indispensable in this world, will be the encouragement you need to strive for true happiness.
I really like your blog! It sounds like something that I would write about!
I like the connection you made between optimism and courage. I'm going to think about that for awhile.
You write beautifully, I look forward to coming back to your blog to read what you have to say (-= and thank you.
Thanks for the compliments on my photos. :) You show a lot of talent yourself, both in your writing and photography. Keep up the great work.
Thank you for the comment on my blog!
This entry was pretty amazing. I've always thought optimism was very important...and you're right, it takes bravery to be optimistic, but it's worth the effort. There's no point in dwelling in the past...Life is short, so you may as well be happy!
Thanks...this was well-timed, as I seem to be dwelling in the past more and more lately.
your an amazing writer?
wanna make a baby?
i like your writing, a lot.
i wish i felt the same way.
Clearly you have a gift for writing. Not the overly articulate, overdramatized, eloquence that many of our "teacher" have come to appreciate but, in my opinion at the very least, a clear, descriptive fashion which makes for simple prose of brilliance to say the very least. I enjoy you're writing, and as someone stated before me, you're writing is highly relevant and relatable. What I find to be the most interesting and by far most entertaining aspect of each of your posts is that it's as if you've written down the voice inside my head. It's as if your words are my inner conscience. LOL I know, weird...right? I'm a fan. And will definitely stay tuned for Jonny's next thoughts!
Fellow Blogger, JROCKSTARV
beautifully written and expressed , my young/old soul friend
i look forward to reading many of more of your thoughts, dreams, hopes, questions, doubts and longings.
stay true to yourself - and all of the answers will come
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