never take life seriously,
no one gets out alive anyways.

Thursday, June 12, 2008

In good company

It is a warm summer night. My family is asleep, my friends are out doing who knows what and the only thing keeping me company is my thoughts. I do not know why I am here. Am I even here for a reason? I would like to think I am, but then again no one really knows why were put onto this earth, or even placed into this species. If I had it my way, I would be something less stressful like a goldfish. We have so many choices to make from the moment we rise out of bed until we rest ours heads. We are constantly judging others around us. Even if you deny it, you are. We all really want one thing; happiness. Do not ask me how to get it, or find it. I am still searching myself. I like to think everyone in this world has a heart. I do not think everyone really wants to cause harm or hatred onto someone, but I have a feeling I am wrong. What is wrong with us? Sometimes seeing others act in hate gets me sick to my stomach. I think we watch movies about love and happiness just so we can pretend were the characters in the film, at least I do. I often ponder what my life will be like when I get out of high school, I think I have high hopes though. I like to think of myself as a good person, but sadly I think good people don’t exist anymore in today’s society, and if they do they’re all living under a bridge somewhere. These rambles almost seem meaningless but they actually help get out frustrations, and it helps keep my thoughts in order. I do not know why I write, but I actually enjoy it. My friend pointed something out the other day she said that she often skips through love songs, acting like she’ll never need them. She said that more than anything, she was running from them. I honestly could not agree with her more. Well I suppose this is it for tonight. I honestly wish someone would sit me down and tell me what the meaning of life is, but I guess I am going to have to find out on my own, Good night.


Poly said...

Thanks for the comment on my blog!

As I was reading your post, you immediately reminded me of my sister. She writes exactly like this, things about life.
I do the same thing, but, I don't type it on a blog or even write it down. I just keep it in my head and even say it out loud, to myself.

I look forward to your blogs!

meghan moore. said...

welcome (:
thanks for the comment. and yes, i am desperately needing to be done with school and just have summer and not have to do anything at all. haha.

i really liked your first post. i read through it, and it reminded me of myself sometimes. i'd like to think i understand alot of things, but sometimes its hard. thanks for the comment again, hopefully you'll be posting more great posts soon. (:

miss lila bird. said...

don't worry about the meaning so much right now, just experience everything you can. the meaning will surface later.
but i can't agree with you more about how, if given the choice, you would be something less stressful. though, you might want to reconsider goldfish, as they tend to just swim in circles in their little bowls, probably confused at their own monotonous existence and inevitable neglect. and their lifespan leaves something to be desired. ;)

Anonymous said...

i agree with miss lila bird... goldfish kinda suck you should be like a falcon or polar bear or even maybe a sloth!!!!!?!?!?! money = happiness..


Anonymous said...

I wanna be a panda. They're so cute. haha.

Interesting start. Keep it up.

unxpektd said...

keep writing

Carolyn said...

I honestly couldn't agree with you more.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the comment on my blog.

Your post reminds me of a friend who I always used to talk to about things like this.