Life expectancy for a male and female in the United States is estimated to be seventy five years. One year has three hundred and sixty five days in it, one week has seven, one day has twenty four hours in it, and the average dream lasts a total of three seconds. Time is of the essence in our short lives. We must not take what we have for granted because the clock never stops ticking. Even I am guilty for letting time pass through my hands like sand. We still have time for change however. I believe it is time we stop waging war and start waging peace. I think it's time to take the politicians out of politics. I think it's time to take the celebrities out of the spotlight. And I think it's time for everyday people to rise to the occasion and get an opinion. It is about time we extend our hands to the fallen, and live for the lost. As morbid as it sounds we can sleep when were dead, it is now that was must live. The average dream lasts a total of three seconds. I hope mine lasts longer.
I can connect with the majority of your posts, deeply, my good man, deeply. Being I just came over my fear - as you read earlier - every word you wrote flows through my mind, clearly. Can't wait for more posts!
Deep stuff... totally agree with you and I know what you mean. Gotta get a dream. Must try to dream now too. Thanks man.... change is good, change is a must.
everything you write is so, so true.
I really like this one Jonny!
I like everything you write!
and not only because Im your best friend, but because your an amazing writer!
Hey Jonny. I'm just checkin' you out. The statistics are astonishing. 10 out of 10 people are going to die! This life is not what I live for though. For it is just a tiny dot on a never ending line, though what we do with our "dot" determines where our line goes.
Seek the truth man. You won't have to look too hard, because it's gonna find you.
Dude, are you really 16? You're one forward thinking teen, that's for damn sure.
The only constant in our universe is change ...
I look forward to reading more of your work, your thoughts and your life.
Just 3 seconds...Sometimes my dreams feel like a 2 hour movie.
Very deep. I completely agree with you -- life should be lived to the fullest. Letting time slip is wasteful... We need to make the most of our lives while we can.
I love this...I'm a time freak.I'm always worrying about time.It scares me that someday my hourglass will run out of sand, that I won't accomplish all the things I would like to, even simply not getting to an event on time messes with me.- I always wonder what I missed.-
ps: I love your icon for your blog..I post that everywhere I can..KEEP YOUR COINS.I WANT CHANGE.
you're very inspiring. check out my new blog post..it's sort of about time = ]
nice blog!
Wow Jonny. And you called me deep? I'm a little surprised by you. And I am ready to join your efforts. :)
I am sorry I took so long to get back to ya. I don't usually. And I appreciate that you liked my Meander, but the truth is -I didn't remotely write that. I merely copied it out of a book. (It was a good book.)
I just wanted to say thank you for your comment, and when you run for president- I'll donate, campaign AND vote for you. Hope to catch you saving the world some day Jonny. Nice to meet you. loves, l/d
my philosophical twin!
every blog i've read sounds like something i'd write, but certianly wouldn't be brave enough to try to put into words.
keep writing, please!
Johnny, your post on my blog was a very pleasant surprise. I have really enjoyed reading your posts on your blog. You are clearly a person of profound thought and wonderful yearning and spirituality.
I look forward to your next post, and will def comment in the future.
For this post I would say: as a pragmatist, what is most critical is to look at real, concrete, viable solutions that can move us in the direction we ought to go.
Our time is on this earth is indeed short, but in that spirit, I think it is also important to take the time to slow down and appreciate the simple, sometimes trite things in life. To be always busy connects with activity and action, but understand the universe is to be engage in the ebb and flow of life, the natural rising and falling.
You know Jonny, I felt I should explain my commet to you. While agree with you that letting go of the current government system is key, I don't think it would be an easy or easily embraced feat. I simply meant, maybe you could infiltrate -and change from the inside out. Ya know what I mean?? I hope you are well. I think you could change the world -given the means. loves, l/d
powerful..i like it. im definately a fan.
lovely thoughts, lovely blog.
Hey, you haven't posted in a while. Hope all is well.
I have been thinking about time so much lately.
This has put it in such a great perspective.
Everything happens for a reason...
I'm glad you found my blog.
You're writing is very intriguing.
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