never take life seriously,
no one gets out alive anyways.

Saturday, July 5, 2008

Carpe diem

Lets face it we can only seize the day for so long. We have to at some point start thinking about what lies ahead of us. John M. Richardson, Jr. states his look on the future he believes that when it comes to the future, there are three kinds of people: those who let it happen, those who make it happen, and those who wonder what happened. I am going to be the one that makes it happen. Often people worry about the journey ahead of them but if you recall moments of the past you can absorb the lessons and experiences learned and invest them into your future. Don't look to person to the left or right of you to guide you to success or happiness. At some point you have to realize that your on your own. As frightening as it may be you're alone no matter what. As juvenile as it sounds you have to make goals for yourself. I for one have made a goal for myself, it is to make someones life just that much easier, to ease the pain of an individual, to make rough times not so rough. I want to be a psychologist, and I'm willing to go that extra mile to achieve so. They say to make your goals achievable and realistic. Maybe mine is one of great multitude, but I'm going to make it happen. We have to at some point look to the future; it is after all where we will be spending the rest of our lives.


Andy G said...

This one definitely reminds me of a band called Go It Alone.. they have a song about finding comfort in soliditude.. That's what i have done in these past 2 months..
I found that being around yourself so much.. you start to truly realize where your faults are.. and where you're great!


ellie said...

Thank you so for the comment. I really appreciate it.

Its great always to find a new blog, especially from people who comment.

You've really got a wonderful blog that makes you think. We definitely need more blogs like that. I know I'll be back for more.

Mercedes said...

I like your goal. I wish I had one... I don't want to turn into the one that wondered what happened.

J said...

thoughtful as expected as well as amazingly familiar. However, for once I find that I beg to differ slightly from what you've said. :) unexpected? for me to. Although I do agree that realistic, attainable goals are imparative to achieving them, I do not believe that one must cease "siezing" the day so to speak, in order to continue towards a goal. But rather continue to "sieze" the opportunities of the preseant with their mind set on their ultimate plan. Thanks for your thoughts, one thousand a minute and each amazingly interesting!

cady said...

Your blog is very interesting. I like it.


Kerry said...

hi. you left a comment on my blog a really long time ago and i'm just getting back to you now. oops.

but your blog is really good too. deep stuff =]

Amy said...

Okay I got an error before so if you get this comment twice, please excuse me.

Anyways, thanks for commenting on my blog. I must admit, however, that yours is much better than mine.

Jessie said...

I simply fucking love it!!

Anonymous said...

You sound like a great person Jonny. I too, have considered being a psychologist, and I'm willing to make it happen, but because I'm so young... I've got some limits to what I can do. I've made it happen, though, by always being there for my friends when they've been in pain, needed help, or just all around advice. I like your look on life, kiddo. Will be excited to read more.